Bowie Band Boosters
2024-2025 Booster Meetings:
2nd Tuesday 7 pm | Bowie Band Hall
August 13, 2024
September 10, 2024
October 8, 2024
November 12, 2024
January 14, 2024
February 11, 2025
March 11, 2025
April 8, 2025
May 12, 2025
Our Boosters Make a Difference!
The Bowie Band has a very active booster association. Every parent or guardian with a student in the Bowie Band and color guard programs is encouraged to become a member of the Bowie Band Booster Association. Grandparents, alumni and family friends are also encouraged to join. The Boosters organization is instrumental in providing assistance to the Directors and students with many different functions and activities that occur throughout the year.
The Bowie Band Booster Association assists the band financially throughout the year. They also raise money for items the band may need throughout the year, for maintenance and insurance of the band trailers, and to help subsidize the band Fair Share and the cost of band trips.
Booster Programs
Interested in getting involved or want to learn more about a program?
Below are all the various programs that the Bowie Band Boosters have developed and implemented to provide comprehensive support to the students and directors in all aspects of the organization. We want to ensure that everyone involved has the resources they need to succeed.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Bowie Band is an incredible program, but just imagine what it could be if every parent got involved.
Parents can make an enormous difference in their child’s education if they are actively involved with them at school. There are numerous opportunities to provide help and assistance throughout the year. Don’t wait to be asked, choose an area or an activity and just show up and get involved! Working with the band and all the wonderful students is a true blessing and a great way to make new friends who share a common passion and goal! Become an integral part of the Bowie Band organization and help to make a difference, not only in the program, but also in the lives of the students involved.
The Bowie Boosters has so many different ways to get involved. Please fill out this VOLUNTEER INTEREST FORM (coming soon) to indicate your skills & interests.
Grand Old Flag Program
Subscriptions for 2024 are now closed. We will open up renewals & subscriptions for 2025 in September.
The entire Bowie Band benefits from the Grand Old Flag program. All proceeds go directly to the Band Booster organization. They use the money to help defray the costs of running a highly competitive, nationally recognized high school band program. Of course, another great benefit is that each subscriber has the opportunity to proudly display a full size U.S. flag in their yard six times a year!
Have you re-landscaped your yard or moved to a new address within the Bowie High School District? Let us know! We will gladly move your sleeve to a new location in your yard or to your new home. Please email us at with your information.
What does it mean to sign up to do a route?
You agree to place or pick up flags on a specified route for a designated holiday.
If you sign up to PLANT flags, you will get the flags from the container on the Bowie campus, follow the map in the route’s corresponding binder, and visit each house on the route, placing a flag in the designated spot in the subscriber’s yard. There are coordinates and a photo of each home in the binder to help you find the sleeve that is permanently placed in the ground to hold the flag. You will complete your route by 8:00am on the morning of the holiday.
If you are signed up to HARVEST flags, you will follow the map in the route’s corresponding binder, retrieve all the flags on the route, and return the flags and binder to the flag container on the Bowie campus. This task needs to be done before sunset; the time varies throughout the year based on the season of the holiday.
How much time will it take me to plant and/or harvest flags?
On average we recommend setting aside 1-2 hours per route.
Can I keep the flag at home?
Only Permanent Route Holders are able to keep flags at home.
What is a Permanent Route Holder?
Permanent Route Holders agree to cover a route for an entire academic year. This can be to plant flags, harvest flags, or both.
As a volunteer, can I pick up the flags and the book a day earlier and do the planting early from home?
Flags and binders will be available to pick up at the container at noon the day before the holiday.
How will I know what to do if I sign up to plant/harvest a route?
You will receive an emailed Guide after you sign up that will give you detailed instructions on how to plant and/or harvest flags.
I am a permanent route holder but will be out of town. Who do I communicate this with?
Please try to find a sub for your route. If you are unable to do so, email the GOF CO-chairs at
How do I make sure to earn letter point credit for volunteering to help with a route?
Please refer to the current student handbook for letter point details.
Contact our GOF Flag Coordinator.
Raise Right Individual Fundraising
You shop 750+ brands by purchasing gift cards.
You receive the full value paid while the brand gives a percentage back.
James Bowie High School Band Booster Association sponsors the Raise Right program which provides families an option to individually fundraise towards their student’s Fair Share band expenses. By participating, you can purchase gift cards through the Raise Right website & app, which generates rebates from the participating retailers. 100% of the rebates you earn are distributed back to you (minus a small processing fee that Raise Right withholds to administer the program). Your rebate will be automatically applied to your designated student’s Fair Share account (e.g., reducing tuition, uniform costs).
Complete the Agreement Form which indicates details for your current Bowie Band/Guard student involved. This information will ensure that we get your rebates applied to your student’s Fair Share account.
Upon the year of graduation for your student, the JUNE payout will be distributed to you via check from the Bowie Band Boosters and will be your final payout.
The enrollment code that is required to sign up for the program isn’t allowed to be publicly posted due to security reasons. Please email the Raise Right coordinator at if you did not receive a code in person at a Booster Meeting or via a flyer.
Sign up online at the Raise Right website & register by “Joining an Existing Program”
You’ll set up your account, either by attaching your credit card (added processing fees associated with this option) or setting up a bank account to auto draft the payments (much lower processing fee).
Download the Raise Right app – which is the app associated with this program. This app enables you to purchase electronic gift cards (eGift cards) while you’re at a store & be able to access that eCard immediately in your app’s “wallet”.
Ordering the gift cards via the Raise Right website or app. eCard purchases are immediately available following purchase via your app’s “Wallet”.
Using the website or app, you’ll search for a vendor & if they are part of the program, you’ll see the options for the types of gift cards that are being offered (eCard, physical cards, reloadables). It is highly recommended that eCards be the purchases that you mostly utilize since plastic/physical cards must be mailed & incur shipping charges (see below). Plastic/physical cards can also be ordered, especially if there’s a vendor that doesn’t offer the eCard option, but the physical cards must be shipped to your home (if that option is available) but be aware that you will incur a higher shipping & handling and processing fee, which sometimes negate the rebate percentage you earn.
You can purchase gift cards in advance via the Raise Right website or via their app. eCard purchases will be immediately available via the “wallet” on the website or app, and you pull these eCards up on your smartphone & the business will scan the barcode for your payment. Use these when deciding on a restaurant for dinner or when purchasing supplies for a home improvement project and purchasing the eCard while in line at the store to check out. Whether you purchase spur of the moment or plan in advance, it’s easy to earn rebates, which even the small percentages add up, to help your family with band expenses.
The Raise Right Coordinator calculates rebate distributions twice each school year: Rebates will be earned through 2 payout periods which will align with the Band Booster’s fiscal year and will be in DECEMBER (which will include purchases from June 1 – Nov 30) and JUNE (for purchases from Dec 1 – May 31).
The rebate calculations are reported to the Band Booster financial team, who ensures that the money transfers to the band for distribution to student’s Fair Share accounts, and via a cash payout, ONLY for those graduating or no longer in the program.
The Booster organization would not be able to function and support the Bowie Band & Guard without the endless hours all our volunteers have devoted. We sincerely thank each and every volunteer and encourage all parents to consider volunteering for one of these positions. It is an unforgettable opportunity to get to know and work with the band directors and student members.
— Booster Board Members
The Corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision or provisions of any subsequent United States revenue law (the “Code”). The Corporation shall carry out these purposes by, among other things: (a) supporting the Bands of James Bowie High School, including without limitation the Outdoor Performing Ensemble, Concert Bands, Jazz Ensembles, Steel Drum Bands, and Color Guard Auxiliary groups (collectively, the “Bands of Bowie”); (b) promoting and stimulating musical education in the community; and (c) stimulating a spirit of fellowship and cooperation among the membership of the Corporation.