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We are excited to welcome you as a member of this incredible program!

Beyond the superior instruction and the camaraderie of band and guard mates, you will develop your musical skills and have opportunities to compete and perform with one of the best bands, nationally and internationally!

The Bands of Bowie include the James Bowie High School Outdoor Performing Ensemble (JBHSOPE), Concert Ensembles, Jazz Bands, Winter Guard, Steel Band, and Percussion Ensemble.

Band Placement Auditions


Band Placement Auditions 🎶

Students in the Bowie Band audition for band placement every semester. Band placement auditions are an evaluation of your current level of musicianship. The placement auditions are not designed to put you in a competitive situation with your colleagues, rather an evaluation of your ability and whatever resources you can find in the time leading to the audition. Remember, you are not auditioning to be in the Bowie Band. This is only a chance for the directors to hear you play and evaluate what environment you will be the most successful in for the next semester.

Auditions for fall band placement will occur at the beginning of April. Band directors will hear current Bowie students during class and will travel to the middle school campuses to hear those students during their class periods as well. Music for that audition will comprise a prepared etude, scales, and a sight-reading component. The prepared etude will be released at the beginning of March. Percussionists will have a separate audition over different music arranged with Mr. Paxton; those students should make sure they are coming to the Open Practices after school at Bowie. Auditions for spring band placement typically happen for all students just after Thanksgiving and are over the TMEA region etudes, which are released in July. 

Please see below for more information about the fall band placement audition music.

The prepared etude has been carefully selected from the highest standard repertoire for each of your instruments. The etude is a Theme and Variations. All students should prepare the Theme. Any additional Variations learned are optional and should only be performed if you can play them successfully in an attempt to demonstrate an advanced level of musicianship. Note that the tempo marked is suggested – you should play at whatever tempo you can be successful.

Scales are necessary for your daily performance. Therefore, they will also be a part of this evaluation. The judge will pick 3 major scales plus chromatic for you to play. You should prepare the scales in however many octaves and at whatever tempo you feel represents your level of musical development at this time.

Sight-reading will assess your ability to perform a short piece for the first time after 30 seconds of study. The sight-reading excerpt will be distributed at the audition. The only requirement is that you perform as much of the material as possible to the best of your ability.